Sausage and mash. Pie and mash. Actually, lets make that anything with mash.
A roast dinner (of any kind). Toad in the hole.
The americans even have a thick sausage gravy they eat at breakfast!
The great thing about gravy is that it can be made to match whatever you are eating and there is no firm rule about what goes in it. You can thicken it...or not. You can add onions...or not. Each batch is unique and in our family my dear husband is the king of gravy makers (and roast dinners). You can drench your dinner in it or (in the case of a certain friend) drink it straight from the jug.
You can try and dress it up and call it a jus but really it all boils down to the same thing (quite literally in fact.)
But for me, the most bizarre thing about gravy is that while I am now more than happy to wax lyrical about its many and marvellous uses... I used to despise it as a child. You make think that despise is rather a strong word but I couldn't stand to have any gravy pass my lips, any meal with said condiment would be rejected. Or very grudging picked at because I was generally a good child who did as they were told.
I am sure my mother must have despaired.
It sounds odd but I decided at about the age of 5 or 6 that I didn't like "wet food" and avoided it at all costs. I have to add that I also liked to keep all the different foods separate on my plate but that is probably another story and one that I am sure some psychologist would have something to say about. But back to the story in hand, I would refuse gravy on any and every meal, my especial fear was that it would turn my potatoes to mush. This strong aversion of "wet food" extended to include brothy stews, custard and pouring cream....all things I now eat in abundance.
So lets give it up for gravy...I know I will be having a double helping next time it is on the menu.
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